What I do when i'm in a funk!



When I’m in a funk or my energy feels low...it’s more often than not because one of these practices (above) has been forgotten or not tended to. ⁣

Quite simply my needs are not being met and I feel disconnected and flat ...frustrated for no apparent reason. ⁣

A few months ago I wrote a list of the things that, when I practice regularly, keep my energy high, I feel motivated & life has a certain kind of ease to it.⁣

It’s a list I keep in my diary* as a reminder to make sure I fit them into each day / week...AND if I do find myself in a funk, I go to the list and ask myself ‘what’s missing?’⁣
(*yes-a proper paper diary and I LOVE it!!)⁣

I love lists, but the intention is one day these things will be deeply integrated into my life that won’t need it; but it’s a helpful tool until I get to that point! ...do you have a practice like this where you ‘check in’ with if your needs are being met?