What I do when i'm in a funk!
/When I’m in a funk or my energy feels low...it’s more often than not because one of these practices (above) has been forgotten or not tended to.
Quite simply my needs are not being met and I feel disconnected and flat ...frustrated for no apparent reason.
A few months ago I wrote a list of the things that, when I practice regularly, keep my energy high, I feel motivated & life has a certain kind of ease to it.
It’s a list I keep in my diary* as a reminder to make sure I fit them into each day / week...AND if I do find myself in a funk, I go to the list and ask myself ‘what’s missing?’
(*yes-a proper paper diary and I LOVE it!!)
I love lists, but the intention is one day these things will be deeply integrated into my life that won’t need it; but it’s a helpful tool until I get to that point! ...do you have a practice like this where you ‘check in’ with if your needs are being met?