Hello inner critic ...
A couple of days ago I posted a story with a caption that read ‘the way you speak to yourself matters’. It sparked some really interesting conversations and I wanted to expand on it a little more here.
We all have it, a voice inside our head that likes to bring us down, it often criticises us or shames us. It pipes up at times when we feel especially vulnerable, like when we are about to do something for the first time or step out of our comfort zone.
I’ve recently experienced it’s harsh words when stepping away from my full time job into self employment...it said ‘you’re going to fail’, ‘it’s too risky’ ‘what have you done leaving a great job!’ ...but what I know now is that this critical voice is just trying to protect me from failing, from looking like a fool if it all collapses around me. It wants me to stay in my comfort zone where it’s safe and comfortable and risk free.
But I’m ready to expand and step into a career that although is risky feels so right and lights me up in a way no other job ever has. I know as uncomfortable as it is I have to transition through this feeling of doubt & vulnerability.
With awareness and a lot (a lot) of practice I have learnt to acknowledge this voice, my inner critic as I call it. I thank it for trying to protect me, reassure it I’ve got a plan in place and keep moving forward.
In the past I thought it was the one in control...I'd let it take the drivers seat & dictate the direction of my life. But now I can clearly see its the kid in the back kicking the back of my seat - trying to get my attention.
I hear you kid, I know you’re scared. It is scary, but I’ve got this. I’ve got a map for the first bit, then we’ll figure it out...perhaps we’ll ask a few kind people along the way. What I can promise you is that we are about to go on an amazing road trip together and there will some amazing sunsets. Trust me.
...and so I drive on ❤️